So far my life in 5th grade is amazing. It feels weird that I’m in 5th grade. It feels like just yesterday I was in kindergarten. I’m in Ummel’s homeroom. First in the morning I go to Owen’s classroom. I like her class because she always gives us enough time to turn in stuff and she makes everything fun. She also lets us read and I love to read. I can’t wait for DRA testing to see what reading level she puts me on and I’m excited about vocabulary. Next I go to my homeroom Mrs. Ummel. She lets us do a lot of cool games to make things more fun. If we are done with our work she lets us read or write anything we want to on white boards. She is pretty laid back. I like Language arts she makes that really fun. I’m am looking forward to Figurative Language and multiplying decimals. Next is Mr. Mcbride but he lets us call him Mr. Mac. I like that he calls us by our last name. He picks on my a lot and I mean a LOT. But it is funny when he does pick on me. He teaches through stories. His stories are really cool. They really make you think twice about your actions and how you treat people and a lot of other important things. Our time with him is spilt. so we don’t get as much time with him. But he slaps his ruler real loud on his desk and says as I quote “sound makes vibration.” He talks about him bike riding he even rides his bike around the classroom. He stands on his desk and punches the ceiling. He stands in a barrell. He is really funny. I’m am looking forward to learning about sound, sound waves, vibration and electricity. I also can’t wait for lab experiments because I have loved science even before 5th grade. Then I go to Mrs. Mcfall. She is super fun and nice. she gives out fun assignments. She gives us stuff to do on our blogs for example this post. The things I am looking forward to in Mrs. Mcfall’s class is just American history and memorizing capitals. Then last but least Mrs. Brantley. She gives us super fun assignments. She makes everything fun. Even if we have a test one day the next we will do something really fun or we will spend our time playing prodigy. I am excited about learning about algebra. One goal I have for this year is the A honor roll. But 5th grade is awesome one of the best grades ever!
Another classic written by Kate Dusek